Basic Course Information:

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour evidence-based course on how to provide aid to someone experiencing a mental health crisis. Using the nonlinear ALGEE action plan, students are taught how to A – Assess, L – Listen Non-judgmentally, G – Give Reassurance, E – Encourage Professional Help, E – Encourage Self Help. This course is taught under the guidelines laid out by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. There is a 10-student minimum and 25 student maximum. Students must be 18 years of age or older in order to participate in this course.

Certifications/CEU Credits:

Once students successfully complete the full course, they become Nationally Certified Mental Health First Aiders. This national certification last three years from course completion date. The student’s completion of the course is filed with the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and makes them eligible to apply for eight (8) CEU’s (Continuing Education Units).

In-Person (Blended):

The 8-hour In-Person (Blended) course is taught at your facility. Instructor(s) provide participants with the needed Participant Processing Guides. Instructor(s) also provide flip charts, videos, power point slides, scenario cards, hallucination cards, and more. Students may need to do some online prework prior to the class date.


The on-line curriculum requires enrolled students to complete 2-hours of self-paced course work prior to attending the instructor(s) virtual portion of the class. The remaining 6-hours of the on-line course is taught via Instructor(s) Zoom or WebEx platform.


If your organization will not be utilizing a pre-approved coordinator with Grant Funding, pricing will be based on a per student basis paid in advance and nonrefundable. Contact us via the Book Now page for more information on pricing and how we may be able to assist with Grant Funding in order to reduce your costs.

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