This is what the Dir. of Programs for NAMI had to say when they had Paul Calhoun, Keynote Speaker for Adviser Speaks, in for a day to speak at their event.
★ Easy to work with.
★ Entertaining.
★ Educational.
What would you do if someone was choking? You’d perform the heimlich maneuver. Now, what about if someone was having a heart attack? You’d look for an AED and start performing CPR. Now what about if someone was going through a mental health or substance abuse crisis. That is where there is uncertainty. Mental Health First Aid is a program that is backed by 20 years of experience. As the world is undergoing a mental health crisis amplified by COVID-19 and other factors. Programs like Mental Health First Aid, which is an 8-hour evidence-based training course, can help. The program teaches participants how to identify, understand, respond and help someone who is experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis.
Upon completion, the Certified Mental Health First Aider will know how to apply the ALGEE action plan.
Don’t pass up an opportunity to educate yourself and your stakeholders on how to handle a mental health or substance abuse crisis, you may just save a life.
(Paul Calhoun is a Nationally Certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor. Class is taught per National Council for Mental Wellbeing Guidelines.)
Would you agree that mental health matters in your organization? Most everyone can agree on that. Yet not everyone takes the appropriate first step in avoiding a mental health crisis in their teams. You can become educated today by signing up for The R.I.G.H.T. Method for Addressing a Mental Health Crisis. This 45-minute, concise yet detailed, program was designed to help your management team reduce unwanted company expenses, like absenteeism; presenteeism; and high insurance costs, by identifying signs of mental illness and substance abuse and addressing them using the R.I.G.H.T. method.
This simple 5-part framework outlines nonlinear methods management teams can use to make the RIGHT decision about mental health. It’s not often you can have a positive impact on all your stakeholders. Ready to make the RIGHT decision about your team’s mental health?
Help You Didn’t Know Existed educates your team on government funded assistance programs most people don’t even know exist.
Program covers both State and National resources like…
Help You Didn’t Know Existed. If you don’t know about it, you go without it. Even though you’re already paying for it.